Bella Trix vs. The Game

ballgag, boxtie, computercontrol, electricity, hairtie, nippleclamps, nudity, predicament, rope, sch…

Bella Trix vs. The Game

Bella’s in for a special treat today, she just doesn’t know it yet. After tying her with rope, TENS pads and nipple clamps are added. These two elements will play a role in the game ahead. The game itself is simple once it is started. A computer starts the TENS unit and will increment the power by one every 30 seconds. If at any point the electricity becomes too much, she can pause it for 30 seconds by pulling hard on her nipple clamps. It doesn’t take long before Bella is struggling to pick the lesser of two evils. Worse, even as she postpones the shocks, the power levels keep increasing, making her dread the TENS even more. She’ll have to endure until the power level hits 50, but lucky for Bella, I started the power at 25.

Bella Trix vs. Her Dead Weight

fiddle, ironpipe, muzzlegag, nippleclamps, nudity, predicament, printedtoys, trainergag

Bella Trix vs. Her Dead Weight

Bella was incredibly bratty today and needed something to redirect her energy to. Knowing how much she hates nipple clamps, I figured a few minutes in them would correct her attitude. Putting her in an iron pipe fiddle, her clamps are tethered to the end, making her choose between her arm pain and nipple pain. With Bella’s arms getting tired, she figured out she could raise her arms high and cheat her predicament. As I wouldn't let that fly, a 50-pound weight was tied to her fiddle, leaving her completely helpless. With no other options, seeing her attitude improve so quickly was amazing. Still, we both know she’s not going to get off that easy.

Bella Trix vs. A Slow Escalation

belts, electricity, nudity, restraint-bed, strict, tickling

Bella Trix vs. A Slow Escalation

Bella’s always had a love/hate relationship with her visits. Always excited before her arrival, but soon is vocalizing her regrets. Today was no different as she was tightly strapped down to the table. Once Bella was helpless I figured we’d pass the time doing some of her favorite activities. Tickling and TENS. To ensure she doesn’t get any reprieve, I set the TENS to 30% power with automatic power increases of 2% every minute. The time between shocks is filled with tickling and unfortunately, sometimes overlap. Once you move past her threats, cursing, and mock displays of discomfort you can tell she’s having a blast. She just doesn’t want to admit it.

Bella Trix vs. Her Pop Quiz

catsuit, challenge, electricity, frogtie, game, nudity, rope, tattoos

Bella Trix vs. Her Pop Quiz

Once Bella was tied up and the TENS pads were attached, she knew she was in trouble. While shocking them relentlessly while bound is fun, it’s better if you give them a chance. For Bella, she is asked what the state capitals are for all 50 United States. For every incorrect answer, she gets a shock. For multiple incorrect answers, the level goes up. It only takes a few shocks before her brain turns to mush, and the anticipation of the next shock is simply too distracting. By the 15th shock, she’s desperate to get free, but there are still many more states to go.

Bella Trix vs. The Afterthought

ballgag, nippleclamps, predicament, rope, shorts, tattoos, trainergag

Bella Trix vs. The Afterthought

Bella’s next scene was going to be a challenge for her. With her nipple clamps attached high on a pole, she’s forced onto her toes. Any dip and it’s instantly felt in her sore nipples. Just as she’s attached, I get a call from a friend I haven’t talked to in years. With Bella an afterthought, she’s now completely helpless in her predicament. With her fingers tied, she’s unable to undo the clamps, and her gag moans for help go unheard. By the 10-minute mark, her legs are shaking and desperate for relief. As they say, there’s no rest for the wicked, and Bella definitely qualifies!