TripSix vs. Her Nipple Ringschairtie, device, elbowcinch, hairtie, nudity, predicament, rigging, schoolgirl, spidergag, tickling
#1609 2017-08-20 67 photos, 16 min video
I've been known to occasionally torment TripSix and her piercings in the past. I guess the same way the sun occasionally rises. With such a wide palette to choose from, and an adorable frame to match, who could resist? She starts off easy, with her elbows cinched together, legs bolted to her hair, and a big spider gag. She manages to struggle hard enough that the chair moves across the room. Two little screws through her nipple rings into the chair put an end to her escapades. This also leaves her terribly vulnerable to tickling, and is soon confirmed with drool covering my floors. Not to worry. I make sure she licks it all up before the gag comes out.
TripSix vs. Her Tongue Studchains, chastitybelt, corset, nudity, othergag, predicament, rigging, spreaderbar, strict
#1610 2017-07-02 54 photos, 13 min video
The wonderful thing about piercings is they can be used against their owners in devious ways. As TripSix can attest, her tongue and nipple piercings never got a respite. For her predicament today I couldn't decide what to throw at her, so she ended up with a bit of everything. Starting with a corset and chastity belt, her arms were welded into a reverse prayer position. That was just the warm up as I led her to a chain and ring hanging from the ceiling. Using wooden dowels and rubber bands her tongue was locked inside the hanging ring leaving her helpless. The slightest tug reminded her that too much struggling is a bad idea. This proved doubly so when a spreader bar was added.
TripSix vs. A Little Motivationdrool, electricity, gagtalk, latex-rubber, nudity, remotecontrol, spidergag, straightjacket
#1611 2017-04-27 57 photos, 17 min video
It's hard to punish someone who enjoys it far too much. Still, it's fun to try. Failing to clean up her toys from the previous day, TripSix was due for more than a reprimand. Outfitting her in a latex straitjacket and spider gag, she was set to spend some quality time in the cage. To keep her entertained, her cellphone is attached to a TENS unit on her back. Setting the volume to max she was soon going to regret having so many notifications set up. As calls, text messages, and tweets keep her hopping in the cage she doesn't realize this is just a warmup. A few clicks and the real fun begins. Her afternoon is just getting started.
TripSix vs. The Trip Tiedownchains, corset, elbowcinch, nippletie, predicament, rigging, skirt, strappado, strict
#1583 2017-03-09 49 photos, 13 min video
When TripSix's arms were locked into a strappado I could understand her sigh of relief. She was standing in very high heels, chains locked around her legs, elbows, and wrists. It was easy to assume the strappado was the last of her bondage. Her delusions of a cakewalk were dashed as strands of string were then tied to her nipple and tongue rings. With the excess looped around a kettle weight, I gave all three strings a good tug. Involuntarily, she crouched to take the pressure off, sealing her fate. In an instant, TripSix finds her strappado far more strict, her knees bent, and unable to stand without trying to lift a 15lb weight with her nipples. It's not long before her legs quiver from strain. Beads of sweat start to surface, and it's only been two minutes.
TripSix vs. The Pallet Spreadballgag, chains, corset, device, drool, forcedorgasm, magicwand, nudity, pallet, rigging, trainergag
#1582 2017-01-01 68 photos, 12 min video
With someone as bendy and pliable as TripSix, I wanted to try something new. While her upper body is bolted firmly to the upright pallet, her legs rest on iron poles. Her legs are spread and strapped wide, so movement is a near impossibility. Even her hanging angles are chained down. In her vulnerable position, a strategically mounted hitachi wand doesn't leave her with much of a choice but to be forced to orgasm. With no escape possible, she does the best she can to resist the overwhelming pleasure, but it's no use. TripSix is stuck there for the long haul.