Willow vs. Her Release Blunder

blindfold, challenge, nudity, restraint-bed, rigging, tapegag

Willow vs. Her Release Blunder

All it took was a suggestion that she couldn’t last 10 minutes strapped down and she couldn’t help herself. Offended at the notion she couldn’t do something, Willow insisted she could last at least an hour if she wanted to. Calling her bluff, she’s offered $500 if she could last an hour. Of course, that meant on my terms. Moments later Willow is blindfolded, tape gagged and belted down to the restraint bed. She struggles to try and pass the time at first, but this only confirms how helpless she is. Hoping to calm her nerves, she tries to reach for the emergency bell but only knocks it away. WIth only minutes into her bet, blind, and mute, panic is quickly taking over. Why did she think she could do this?

Willow vs. The Job Offer

belts, costume, latex-rubber, maid, microfoam, nudity, tricked

Willow vs. The Job Offer

With the potential to make four times her current rate, Willow had to at least check it out. Upon hearing it would involve being tied up she was skeptical, while at the same time excited. Having enjoyed past experiences, she jumped at the chance and agreed to a trial period. Once changed into her maid outfit, Willow is quickly put to work with her arms restrained. With difficulty, she manages to wipe down the padded horse. Before she can catch a breath she’s gagged with additional restraints added and told to fold clothes. It had only been an hour and Willow was already sore, but that didn’t matter. Having done such a fine job, she’s hired and it won’t be free for at least another eight hours!

Willow vs. Her Pleasure Grind

forcedorgasm, frogtie, leotard, muzzlegag, orgasmdenial, pantyhose

Willow vs. Her Pleasure Grind

Everything has a price, and Willow's orgasms were no exception. She was going to have to work for them. To ensure there isn’t any cheating, she’s tied to poles with a wand hanging from the ceiling. In her bound position, all she can do is grind against the wand, which only seems to tease her more. Once it’s clear the predicament is driving her insane, she’s offered some help. That too comes at a price, but at this point, Willow will pay anything to get what she wants.