Brat vs. Her Foam Wrap

foam-gag, microfoam, mummification, rigging, tapebondage, tapegag

Brat vs. Her Foam Wrap

Brat was being, well, herself. Initially I was going to stuff her in the cage with some cuffs and a gag but somehow knew that wouldn’t stop her. Mummification would do the trick, but felt a little tit for tat was in order. So she’s told to strip down to make it easier for the microfoam to stick to her. Careful to overlap each layer, she knew she was in trouble once it reached her stomach. The microfoam allows just enough stretch to tire her muscles while easily holding her tight. Once her mouth is taped shut, she’s left to continue being a brat. Just much quieter and out of the way. Since she loves to escape, I figure it’s only fair she’s given at least a few hours to figure a way out.

Raven vs. Her Rocked World

ballgag, blindfold, forcedorgasm, frogtie, magicwand, rope, straightjacket

Raven vs. Her Rocked World

When I asked Raven what she wanted to do today. She just gave me a sheepish smile. No words were necessary. Tight bondage and lots of orgasms would be on the menu today. Ensuring she isn’t disappointed, she’s first put into a straitjacket. Putting her in a chair, rope binds her legs and keeps them apart. More rope secures her straitjacket in place guaranteeing Raven won’t be going anywhere. Finally, her favorite part, the wand is tied between her legs and set to high. The gag and blindfold only intensify each orgasm as she struggles uncontrollably. It’s all she can do to catch her breath before the next one hits.

Willow vs. Her Release Blunder

blindfold, challenge, nudity, restraint-bed, rigging, tapegag

Willow vs. Her Release Blunder

All it took was a suggestion that she couldn’t last 10 minutes strapped down and she couldn’t help herself. Offended at the notion she couldn’t do something, Willow insisted she could last at least an hour if she wanted to. Calling her bluff, she’s offered $500 if she could last an hour. Of course, that meant on my terms. Moments later Willow is blindfolded, tape gagged and belted down to the restraint bed. She struggles to try and pass the time at first, but this only confirms how helpless she is. Hoping to calm her nerves, she tries to reach for the emergency bell but only knocks it away. WIth only minutes into her bet, blind, and mute, panic is quickly taking over. Why did she think she could do this?

Sugar vs. Her Nipple Anchor

challenge, handcuffs, legcuffs, muzzlegag, nippleclamps, pantyhose, predicament, rigging, self-bonda…

Sugar vs. Her Nipple Anchor

Even though Sugar was given a choice on how difficult the challenge would be, I knew she’d pick the harder path. With trepidation, she locks her hands behind her back knowing there’s no going back. Attached to the clover clamps on her nipples is a heavy chain. Her salvation lies a few feet away, but reaching that key will push her to her limits. Grunts from her muzzle gag are the only indication of her regret choosing the heavier chain. Little by little she manages to get a bit higher on each attempt. In order to reach the key she’ll need to lift her anchor off the ground completely or lose and face the consequences.

Bella vs. Piper's Role Reversal

ballgag, belts, cage, elbowcinch, stuck, tricked

Bella vs. Piper's Role Reversal

Piper had been bothering Bella all morning. After an hour, she decided to take matters into her own hand and tie Piper up hoping she’d have to leave her alone. Piper is relentless and even with her elbows cinched behind her back and gagged, still manages to pester Bella. Frustrated, Bella retreats to the cage to get away from her. As the door shuts, Piper tries to warn her that the power is on but it’s too late. With Bella locked inside and PIper tied up outside, they will need to work together to get free. One thing is for sure, one of them will get the short end of the stick.