Faith vs. Her Shortsighted Plan

ballgag, mummification, nudity, plasticwrap, rigging, self-bondage

Faith vs. Her Shortsighted Plan

Faith was itching to try out mummification and, with a few tutorials online had a plan to do it by herself. Everything seemed simple enough. Wrap plastic wrap around some poles which she’ll use to roll onto herself. Faith had read that pallet wrap is often used so she made sure to use that instead of kitchen wrap. To escape, she planned to make her way to the couch,12 where she had a pair of scissors waiting. For her first time, everything went surprisingly well. At least until she was ready to escape. Faith had not anticipated how much stronger pallet wrap would be. Expecting to get at least a hand free to use the scissors she couldn’t even do that. With her roommate away for the weekend, Faith is starting to realize her plan was a bit shortsighted.

Bella Luxx vs. Form Over Function

escaping, hogtie, leotard, microfoam, mummification, muzzlegag, pantyhose, vetwrap

Bella Luxx vs. Form Over Function

Bella has never been mummified so instead of a normal wrap, I decided to add some flair to it. First, she’s wrapped top to bottom in black vetwrap. The second layer is a crossing pattern using black and white. Unfortunately, when trying something new, it’s easy to overlook some details. The end result being the wrap is not as secure as I’d like it to be. Will Bella be able to take advantage of this and escape? If anyone can do it, it would be Bella.

Lola vs. Her Safe Space

interview, mummification, strict, vetwrap

Lola vs. Her Safe Space

There are those who are terrified of being mummified but not Lola. She falls into it like a warm embrace. Wrapped head to two in vetwrap she tries her best to escape but there are too many layers, just the way she loves it. Between struggling she answers questions on how mummification makes her feel, and why she’d love to stay wrapped forever.

Calisa vs. A Little Help

escaping, mummification, tapebondage, tapegag

Calisa vs. A Little Help

Layered in rolls of vinyl tape Calisa can feel the tightness all over her body. Every pull, twist, and push is met with equal force. She’s a fighter and not willing to give up easily. As she fights to get free she starts to sweat. Can Calisa use this to her advantage or will it just make it that much harder? Even if she does manage to find a weakness, it’s unlikely she’s getting free without at least a little help.

Madison vs. Her Zipped Hug

balletboots, catsuit, muzzlegag, trainergag, zipties

Madison vs. Her Zipped Hug

What do you do when you're in the mood for mummification but not all the wrapping? Break out the zip ties of course. Madison starts out looking amazing in her purple catsuit and muzzle harness. Her day gets even more interesting as each tie is zipped tight. Each one further accentuates her amazing body. With a final tie connecting her harness to the eyebolt on the couch, she's properly mummified. Maybe not technically, but certainly won't be escaping it anytime soon.