Sarah vs. Her Exhausting Orgasm

ballgag, challenge, forcedorgasm, leather, leotard, magicwand, orgasmdenial, orgasms, pantyhose, rub…

Sarah vs. Her Exhausting Orgasm

Sometimes you can’t win with these girls. First, they want to be tied up, and 5 minutes later, they want to be let free. Predicting this, I prepared a challenge for her to earn her release. Cuffed to the wall with rubber bands, it’s soon obvious to her that her muscles will start to fade quickly. As expected, Sarah wants to be released but is presented with a challenge instead. She has to pull herself forward far enough to reach the magic wand. While possible, muscle strain soon takes its toll. After a few failed attempts, Sarah realizes she might be there for a while and doesn’t like it. I’m sure the reward will eventually be worth it.

Camila vs. Her Easy Reward

armbinder, belts, frogtie, hood, insect hood, magicwand, nudity, orgasms, penisgag

Camila vs. Her Easy Reward

I shouldn’t be surprised that Camila knew exactly where the magic wand was in the room. Even bound in an armbinder, collar, and hood, she would easily find it. After being chained to the post for the past hour, she certainly deserved a reward. Disconnecting the chain to her collar, I set her free to find her reward. Once she found it, Camila went right to work to get her prize. As she works towards her first orgasm, she seems to forget her bondage and settles in for an enjoyable afternoon.

Nova vs. Her Stage Fright

ballgag, chains, challenge, chastitybelt, drool, magicwand, orgasmdenial, printedtoys

Nova vs. Her Stage Fright

About a month ago, Nova was looking for a substantial loan. Without collateral, it was a dubious proposition. In the end, a deal was struck where she spends a minimum of 3 months in a chastity belt, even if it paid off immediately. So when Nova came to make a payment, I figured it would be fun to see how much trouble her horniness could get her into. Putting her into some bondage, I gave her a magic wand and 10 minutes to try and cum. Thinking it would be an easy orgasm, the pressure gets to her as the minutes tick by. If she can’t cum she’ll be back where she started with three months remaining in the belt.

Brat vs. The Forced Orgasm

elbowcinch, forcedorgasm, horse, magicwand, nudity, orgasmdenial, orgasms, rope, science

Brat vs. The Forced Orgasm

From the moment Brat walked in the door, she made it known she was up for a challenge. Being a fan of the site, she also knew exactly what she wanted to try. Happy to oblige, Brat’s arms and elbows are cinched tight and placed on the padded horse. After the wand is tied in place, her legs are tied as well to complete her immobilization. Having watched so many other girls try and fail to make it to the end without orgasming, Brat knew she could hold out. After the first few minutes, it certainly wasn’t looking good. I think the mix of tight bondage and a perfectly placed wand might be too much for her. Then again, maybe this is what she wanted all along. She is a brat, after all.

Emily vs. Her Video Request

cage, computercontrol, handcuffs, legcuffs, leotard, pantyhose, rope, self-bondage

Emily vs. Her Video Request

Emily knew better than to do any self-bondage without her roommate around. The request from her OnlyFans account seemed simple enough. Without another thought, she grabbed her hand and leg cuffs and set up a random timer for her magicwand. With the key nearby Emily soon was building to orgasm despite the wand turning off intermittently. After five minutes she’s right on the edge and struggling wildly hoping to push herself over the edge. Thrashing about her key goes flying while in the throws of an orgasm. While satisfied the reality of her situation sinks in. Without an off-timer set, it would be hours before her roommate would be home.